3D TV’s, 3D Movies, Now… 3D Porn

Yep that’s right 3D porn is making it’s way out into the retail universe.  but you know what it’s not so surprising actually. with the wave of 3d movies (thanks to Avatar) that have come out and now 3d TV’s it was just a matter of time before pornography had to jump on the 3d bandwagon.

it’s just like porn’s jump to Blu ray. I’m sure at first when you were buying your Blu Ray player the first thing you had in mind (or at least me anywho) was i have to get this (insert your favorite action flick here) movie on Blu Ray so i can hear the Explosions, See the action in a way only a theater could provide. so you shelled out your 200.00- 300.00 bucks to have that experience. so you watched it and had an all new movie watching experience. so you stocked up on your favorite movies. then for all of  us with minds in the gutter we all joked around with “wouldn’t it be funny if they made Blu Ray porn” and sure as shit guess whats out there… Blu Ray Porn.  so having said that  it really comes to me as no surprise that there is now 3d porn.

heres the link to the article that i found on the net you where you can find out more on the 3D jump..


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